Social Media Platform

Social Media Platform

Social Media Platform

Payment, Posts, Poll, Advertisements, Predictions,

Social Media Platform


Moderator Side Features:

  1. Ban/Silence Users:
    Moderators can silence the user and restrict him from some functions or ban the user from using the application in response to the reports received.
  2. Moderate posts:
    The moderator can view, edit, move to the top or other section, view related comments and replies posts,
  3. Moderate reported contents:
    The moderator can view the reported comments, posts and replies and the count of reports and can dismiss the reported content. Punish the members by silencing or banning them.
  4. Moderate anonymous contents:
    The moderator can view the anonymous posts and comments and accept/reject .
  5. Message:
    The moderator can send messages to super moderator, other moderators and admins. The moderator can search for the moderators, admins to send a message to.
  6. Moderate channels:
    The moderator can view the public and private channels (created by members and admins), create posts, comments, replies in admin and public channels. 
  7. Moderate Predictions:
    The moderator can view the pending predictions, reject, accept, move, request for modification, select the winner of concluded predictions, view the canceled and completed predictions.
  8. Super Moderators:
    Can view the activities carried out by the moderators on the platform and revert the silence/ban performed by the moderators.
  9. Moderating Query:
    The moderator can moderate the contact requests submitted by the users. The moderator can contact back to users to resolve the problems faced by the users.
  10. Censored Words:
    The moderator can cause the abusive words to be replaced by the words added by the moderators.

Admin Side Features:

  1. Search box:
    The admin can search for the channels, usernames of members, post titles, hashtags in a post.
  2. Manage Advertisements:
    The admin can view, accept, reject the adverts and can manage the price list set for creating the advertisements.
  3. Censored Words:
    The admin can cause the abusive words to be replaced by the words added by the moderators.
  4. Ban/Silence Users:
    Admins can silence the user and restrict him from some functions or ban the user from using the application in response to the reports received.
  5. Manage forbidden/restricted words:
    The admins can add these words to restrict the members to use them as display name and usernames.
  6. Manage Prediction pricing and wallet:
    The admin can add and delete the coupon codes to be used by the members, and manage the minimum and maximum amounts to be credited in the wallet.
  7. Section details:
    The admins can create user and admin sections, view the details including the number of channels added in the sections, create channels in admin sections,  view the admin channels.
  8. Moderators Details:
    The admin can add, delete and view the details of all moderators and assign the sections to them on the platform.
  9. Rules:
    The admin will add and update the golden rules for the website, posting rules, prediction rules, channel creation rules
  10. Contact Users:The admins can send emails to the users about any announcement or query.
  11. Message:The admin can send messages to super moderators, other moderators and admins. The admin can search for the moderators, admins to send a message to.

User Side Features:

  1. Homepage:
    The featured, recommended, posts shared or liked by other members, advertisements, channel and prediction cards from all of the sections will be shown to registered users.
  2. Post Detail:
    On clicking the post, the detail page appears where members can
    - Comment on the post
    - Reply on the comment
    - Like the post
    - Share the post
    - Report the post
    - Pin the post
    - Bookmark the post
    - According to the user type interacting with the page.
  3. Sections:
    The user can view the posts in the related section by clicking on the sections.
  4. Join and View Channels:
    The users can join the channels by clicking on the join button on channel cards. After this the user can post in the channel. The user can view the posts in the channel.
  5. Challenge Predictions:
    The users can challenge paid predictions by clicking on the challenge prediction button on prediction cards.
  6. Create Post:
    The users can create the post in the selected section/channel on the create post page.
    - The user can post anonymously by selecting post as anonymous.
    - The user can add a link to any external website.
    - The user can select reader discretion is advised.
    - The user can create a poll by filling in the required options with images which can be voted by other members.
  7. Create Prediction:
    The users can create paid predictions in the selected sections with expiry date and prediction statement and relevant image.
  8. Create Channel:
    The users can create the channel in the selected section by filling in channel name, logo, cover and selecting the type of channel (private/public). Then the user will be able to manage the channel.
  9. Wallet:
    The user can fund their wallet and make a withdrawal from their wallet.
  10. Create Advertisement:
    The users (guest and member) can create paid advertisements by filling in the advertisement objective, strategy and structure.
  11. Messages/Chat:
    The members can search for the other members with usernames and send the message to them.

Previous Projects:


Technology Stack

Technology Stack:
Database:   MongoDB
Backend:   NodeJs,
Frontend:   AngularJs CSS
Integrations:  Paypal (Payment), Google Maps API, Social Media Integration.
Security:   SSL, MD5 Encryption for passwords, File Security, Database Backup, OTP Login, Backend and frontend communication secured through OAUTH2.