Clinic Booking System

Clinic Booking System

Clinic Booking System

Physiotherapist, Patients, Tests, Reports,

Physiotherapist online clinic, Physio Tests, Report Generation


Super Admin Features:

  1. Clinic Management: The super admin can add new clinics, manage the already added clinics. The super admin can view the details including the subscriptions, certificates and sub users, edit the information, block/activate the Clinics.
  2. Exercise Management: The super admin can add, edit and delete the already added exercises. The exercises added will be visible to the clinic managers to add the scores for exercises against the patients. The super admin will also be able to add recommendations for lower results.
  3. Transactions Management: The super admin can view all of the transactions by the clients when buying the package.

Wordpress Admin Features:

All of the content on the front end website can be managed through wordpress admin. The banner, banner text, buttons, sections content (text and images), footer content, contact information and quick links on the homepage, About us, testimonials, solutions, blogs, physical therapists listing page and contact us pages content are updated through wordpress admin side.

Client Side Features:

The clients (clinics/physiotherapists) added by the super admin and those who have registered by buying the package can login on the portal with the credentials added during registration process and manage the patients tests. Following is the list of features managed by the clinic admin.

  1. Sub admin Management: The clinic admin can view the list of sub admins, add sub admins, edit and change the status of the sub admins according to the package purchased. More sub admins can be purchased by paying for the users.
  2. Run Test:
    The client admin and the sub admin can run the live test of the patients by entering patient information and then enter the score of each test through a series of tests.
  3. Report Management: The report will be auto generated showing the scores, percentage score and recommendations based on the scores of the patient. The client admin and the sub users can view the report details and print the reports.
  4. Test History: The clinic admin can view the list and details of all of the tests performed for patients. If the tests series is not completely performed the tests can be continued from where left off.
  5. DMP Booking: The clinic admin can add a fee for booking for all the patients and can view all of the bookings made for the physiotherapist.

Previous Projects:

Technology Stack

Technology Stack:
Database:   MySQLi
Backend:   PHP, Codeingiter
Frontend:   HTML, Bootstrap 4, CSS, Jquery 3.2.1, Wordpress
Integrations:  Paypal (Payment), Stripe (Payment), Google Maps API, Social Media Integration, Pdf Generator, Wordpress Plugins.
Security:   SSL, MD5 Encryption for passwords, File Security, Database Backup, OTP Login, Backend and frontend communication secured through OAUTH2.