Online WebRTC Teaching

Online WebRTC Teaching

Online WebRTC Teaching

WebRTC, Video Calling, Video Conference, Teaching Platform,

Sign up    
Teachers Listing page    
Teacher Detail Page    
Booking/Calendar Page    
Checkout Page    
Thank You Page    
View Invoice Page    
Booking Listing    
Appointments Listing    
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About us, Contact us, Privacy Policy, Terms and conditions pages    
Admin Dashboard    
Admin Bookings Management    
Admin Languages Management    
Admin Transactions management    
Admin Tutors Management (ban/unban) (View/Edit)    
Admin Students Management    
Admin Reviews Management    
Admin Books Management    
Admin Profile Management    
Admin Pages Management


Development Road Map

Planning and R&D
Creating Front End Structure and Pages
Creating the Database Schema
Creating the Admin Structure
Admin Functionality. 
Registration, Login, Profile Management
Teacher Profile, Slot Management. Withdraw funds. 
Homepage Data, Teacher Data, and filter. Based on reviews and popularity comes on top. 
Booking and payments Emailing
Books and Booking page, Payment history. Invoice.  Provide review, Fetch Reviews on the whole site.
WebRTC Voice, Video call, Live chat
Contact us. Along with Form. 
Privacy Policy
About us
Terms and conditions 
Cookie acceptance popup one time. 
Charles Feedback
QA Feedback
Client Feedback and completion
QA Testing
Client Feedback